Category Archives: Podcast
Episode 20 – Consent of the Governed
From our Battlestation on the EZK Compound, Shooter Dan and Chuck D once again blast away at the media controlled reality that permeates the public debate. Since the inception of our Republic, one central question has repeatedly been asked, “What … Continue reading
Episode 19 – The Harvesting
Sometimes things just don’t work out as they are intended. With all the Occupy Wall Street protests, did unfortunate consequences occur that could affect all of our free speech rights? The Government have made moves against your protected speech with … Continue reading
Episode 18 Collapse is Imminent
Well we are Back! After a brief hiatus we locked the gates to the EZK Compound, entered the Battle Station to record another episode of the Liberty or Zombie Podcast! It has been a while, but Shooter Dan and I … Continue reading
Episode 17- OathKeepers and a Roadgunner
“There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.” Marine General Smedley Butler It is time for everyone to stand up and take notice of … Continue reading
Episode 16 – MorTiS NoCTu
Here is the list of Senators that have committed treason with passing of S.1867. H.R. 1540 is the House version. It now makes indefinite detention and police work by our military on America citizens legal, which doesn’t mean it’s lawful.Hope … Continue reading